Monthly Archives: June 2014


1960s Couples

Tonight I have two unidentified couples from the 60s:

The first bride looks very Elizabeth Taylor; except distinctly more like her look from her 1950 marriage to Conrad Hilton than her 1964 marriage to Richard Burton (Liz had moved on to yellow by her fifth wedding).

September 1962 Couple {}

September 1962

The second bride has a bit of a Joan Holloway/Christina Hendricks look about her. Yes? No? Maybe I’m just having Mad Men withdrawls…

After you get past that veil, take a look at the button detail on her sleeves. Lovely.

July 1963 Couple {}

July 1963


Harry & Bess Truman – 1919

The National Archives posted the wedding photo of Harry and Bess Truman on their Facebook page earlier today in honor of their upcoming 95th anniversary (and of course, #TBT. Really now, who can do that better than NARA?). Be sure to check out the link after the jump to the Truman Presidential Library & Museum’s digitized collection of their love letters.


A Bride and Flower Girls – 1939

Today’s photo is of a bride with her flower girls dated April 11, 1939. I think the girl on the left is probably old enough to pass as a junior bridesmaid. I was one at at age 11 (those photos possibly coming someday…maybe).

A Bride and Her Young Attendants - April 11, 1939 {}


Lyle & Charlotte – 1986

Lyle and Charlotte were married 28 years ago today. Here they with some members of their wedding party on June 21st, 1986!

Lyle & Charlotte June 21, 1986 {}

I’m pretty excited to have my first 80s photo for the blog…rock those puff sleeves and white nylons ladies! Notice that the junior bridesmaid and groomsman both have their eyes closed in this shot.