Monthly Archives: February 2015


Five 50s Photos

Hi all, following on the heels of Don & Pat, today I’m bringing you five more photos from the fabulous fifties:

Peggy and Jerry 1951 {}

Peggy and Jerry – 1951

Marietta and Ben 1953 {}

Marietta and Ben – 1953


Barbara and Douglas - May 1954 {}

Barbara and Douglas – May 1954

Dottie and Tony - October 6, 1955{}

Dottie and Tony – October 6, 1955

Harry and Kathy - 1958 {}

Harry and Kathy – 1958


Don & Pat – 1954

The photos of this couple have been hanging out on my desk for a while. What a stylish 1950s pair they are! They would be celebrating their 61st anniversary sometime this month.

Don & Pat - February 1954 {}

Don & Pat Hendrickson February 1954

Don & Pat - February 1954 {}